



①【道理】reason[U];(論理)logic[U]《またa ~》;(理論)theory[U]
*理屈で人をねじ伏せる subdue a person with logic
*つくづく物事は理屈どおりにいかないものだと思った I realized that things don't always go according to theory.
*君の言っていることは理屈では分かるが賛成できない I can understand what you are saying in theory, but I cannot agree with you.
*このような装置を作ることも理屈の上では可能だ It's 「possible in theory [theoretically possible] to build such a device.
*平田君の主張は理屈に合っている(→筋が通っている) There is reason [logic] in what Hirata claims.≒Hirata's claim is reasonable [logical].
*彼女はいつも理屈に合わないことばかり言う She always says things that have no reason [logic].≒She always says unreasonable [illogical] things.
*その映画は理屈抜きで(→疑いの余地なく)おもしろいから見たほうがいいよ You'd better see that movie because it's unquestionably funny. / 彼らは理屈の分かった(→思慮分別のある)人たちだ They are sensible people. / この歌は本当にすばらしい.これはもう理屈ではない This song is really wonderful. Period.(◆Period.は文の終わりなどに置き,相手に有無を言わせない断定口調を表す)
*そんな理屈は通らない(→認められない) Such arguments [excuses] won't be accepted.
*彼は何かと理屈をつけて部活をサボる He often skips the club activities using some excuse [pretext] or another.
*理屈をこねてばかりいないで仕事をしなさい Just stop quibbling and get down to work.
*((彼女は理屈っぽい(→議論好きな)人だ She's an argumentative person.[新規「りくつっぽい」の用例に]))
[複合語]理屈屋 an argumentative person

JLogosID : 7721258