



①【世評】reputation[U]《またa ~》;(うわさ)rumor,《英》rumour[U][C]
*彼は気前がよいという評判だ He has a reputation for being generous.≒(→言われている)They say he is generous.
*以前から彼女の評判は耳にしていた I've heard the reputation [rumor] about her.
*このスキャンダルで彼の評判は地に落ちた This scandal 「hurt his reputation seriously [ruined his reputation].
*新しい英語の先生は生徒の間で評判がいい[悪い] The new English teacher has a good [bad] reputation among students.
*彼らはつきあっているのではないかともっぱらの評判だ Rumor has it [People say] (that) they are going together.
*あの映画は評判倒れだった(→評判ほどではなかった) That movie didn't live up to its reputation.
*評判のいい店 a reputable store / 彼は男子には評判がいいが,女子の評判はよくない He is popular among boys but not among girls.
*((前評判どおり彼はレースで圧倒的な強さを見せた He won an overwhelming victory in the race as everyone expected.[「前評判」に移動]))
*町で評判のラーメン屋 a ramen shop popular in the town
*あのレストランはサービスが行き届いていると評判だ That restaurant is famous for good service.
*彼女は近所で評判の美人だ She is known for her beauty in the neighborhood. / その辞書は初心者にも使いやすいというので評判になった That dictionary was talked about because it was easy even for beginners to use. / これが今評判の(→話題になっている)最新式テレビだ This is the newest TV set in the news.

JLogosID : 7710397