英和辞典 d 39 during [][(語源)dure「続く」+ing「…している(間)」](前) (イメージ) 7 (1)〈ある期間〉の間中,…の間ずっと(ある期間,始めから終わりまで動作・状態が続くことを示す;through, throughoutのほうが意味が強い) during winter 冬の間中 It was sunny during the afternoon 午後の間ずっと晴れていた We're open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. during the week 当店は平日は午前11時から午後6時まであいています His English has improved a lot during the past three months 彼の英語はここ3か月でだいぶうまくなった during the war 戦争中に. (2)〈ある期間〉の間に(ある期間に1回または数回動作が起きることを示す)(in) during one's stay in Kyoto 京都滞在中に during a visit to Los Angeles ロサンゼルス訪問中に He swims every day during summer vacation 彼は夏休みの間毎日泳ぐ Someone came to see you during your absence 君がいない間に会いに来た人がいたよ (語法) “When did you meet him?” “During the first week I was in New York.” 「いつ彼に会ったのですか」「ニューヨーク滞在中の最初の週です」 “How long were you there?” “For three weeks.” 「どのくらいそこにいたのですか」「3週間です」. during [for] the past two weeks 過去2週間の間 for two weeks 2週間. I'm going to work parttime during [in] August 8月中はアルバイトをします. He was ill in bed during the last summer 彼は昨夏ずっと病床にあった END 東京書籍「英和辞典」JLogosID : 702111650