英和辞典 o 39 often [](副) (more ~; most ~ / ~er; ~est) よく,しばしば,たびたび(≠seldom) ⇒always(類語) She often calls me late at night 彼女は夜遅くによく電話してくる He is often late for school 彼はよく学校に遅れる I often walked in this park この公園をよく散歩した She changes her hairstyle quite often 彼女はしょっちゅう髪型を変える He does not often wear a tie 彼はネクタイをしていないことがたまにある(→しょっちゅうしているわけではない)(notはoftenを否定) He often does not wear a tie 彼はネクタイをしていないことがよくある(notはwear a tieを否定) (ことわざ)The pitcher that goes too often to the well is broken at last 頻繁に井戸へ持っていく水差しは最後には割れる;危険な目もほどほどに (語法) END as often as ‥ [1]…回も He goes to the movies as often as 10 times a month 彼は月に10回も映画を見に行く [2]…するたびに I failed as often as I tried やるたびに私は失敗した (as) often as not たいてい,しばしば every so often 時々,時折(通例文尾で) How often ‥? 何回,何度,どのくらいの頻度で “How often do you come here?” “Once or twice a week.” 「ここへはどれくらい来るのですか」「週に1,2度です」 more often than not once too often 繰り返したあげくに,とうとう 東京書籍「英和辞典」JLogosID : 701882660