英和辞典 o 40 officer [](名) (複~s{~z}) (1)〔軍事〕(陸・海・空軍の)将校,士官 cf. soldier a military officer 陸[海]軍将校 the officer of the day 当直士官 a commissioned officer 士官[下士官] a commanding officer 司令官. (2)(地位の高い)役人,公務員;(会社・団体などの)役員,幹事 cf. official a public officer 公務員 a customs officer 税関吏 a chief executive officer (企業の)最高経営責任者(CEO). (3)警官,巡査(police officer);お巡(まわ)りさん Excuse me, officer, where can I get a taxi? すみません,お巡りさん.どこへ行けばタクシーがつかまりますか. (4)〔海事〕高級船員(船長・航海士など) the chief officer 1等航海士 東京書籍「英和辞典」JLogosID : 701883240