



education[U]《またan ~》;(学校教育)schooling[U];(技術に関する)training[U]《またa ~》
*私は高校までアメリカで教育を受けた I was educated in the U.S. through high school.
*彼は子供によい教育を受けさせたがっている He wants to provide his children with a good education.
*彼女は講演の中で言語教育の重要性を強調した She stressed the importance of language education in her lecture.
*彼らは子供たちの教育のことになると全く意見が異なる They disagree with each other completely when it comes to educating their children.
*祖父は学校教育をほとんど受けなかったそうだ I hear that my grandfather had very little schooling.
*彼らは正規の学校教育をほとんど受けていない They have received little formal school education.
*日本では教育制度の改革が叫ばれている In Japan, there are calls for the reformation of the educational [education] system.
*その映画は子供たちには教育上好ましくないとされている The movie is regarded as unsuitable for children from the educational point of view.
*佐藤さんの奥さんはとても教育熱心だ Mrs. Sato is very enthusiastic about education.
*彼女は新入社員の教育を担当している She is in charge of training new employees.
*その少年は家庭教育(→しつけ)に問題があった There was a problem with discipline in the boy's home.≒There was a problem with that boy's upbringing. / 彼は聡子が相当に教育のある女性だと思った He guessed (that) Satoko was a well‐educated woman. / 教育のあるなしにかかわらず,だれでもこの試験を受けられます Educated or uneducated, anybody can take this examination.
教育委員会 the Board of Education / 教育課程審議会 the Curriculum Council / 教育機関 an educational institution / 教育省 (米国の)the Department of Education / 教育・職業技能省 (英国の)the Department for Education and Skills / 教育大学 a teachers college, a college of education / 教育庁 the Office of Education, the Education Bureau
教育家 an educator / 教育学者 a pedagogue / 教育実習生 a student teacher / 教育者 an educator, a teacher / 教育長 a superintendent of education / 教育ママ a mother obsessed with her children's educational achievements
教育映画 an educational film / 教育テレビ educational television [TV] / 教育番組 an educational program
英才教育 education for gifted children / 遠隔教育 distant learning / 義務教育 compulsory education / 高等教育 higher education / 再教育 reeducation / 生涯教育 lifelong education / 初等教育 primary education / スパルタ教育 (厳しい教育)severe education;(厳しいしつけ)rigid [harsh] discipline / 性教育 sex education / 通信教育 education by correspondence
教育界 the educational world / 教育改革 an educational reform / 教育学 pedagogy / 教育学部 the college [faculty] of education
[参照]⇒がくぶ[語法] / 教育課程 a curriculum(複curricula, ~s) / 教育基本法 the Fundamental Law of Education / 教育行政 educational administration / 教育訓練給付制度 a system for providing education and training / 教育産業 education industry [business] / 教育施設 educational facilities / 教育実習 《米》student teaching,《主に英》teaching practice / 教育心理学 educational psychology / 教育水準 educational standards / 教育勅語 the Imperial Rescript on Education / 教育費 educational expenses / 教育ローン an education loan

JLogosID : 7681069