eminent, distinguished:§専門分野などで有名な.
*シェークスピアの最も有名な劇の一つ one of the best‐known plays by Shakespeare
*私たちは古代の遺跡で有名な町を見物した We visited a city famous for its ancient monuments.
*彼女は世界的に有名な映画スターである She is a world‐famous movie star.
*和歌山はミカンの産地として有名だ Wakayama is famous [well known] as a mikan‐producing district.(◆well‐knownは述語的に用いられる場合ハイフンなしで書くのがふつう)
*その公園は桜で有名だ The park is famous [well known] for its cherry blossoms.
*東京は住宅事情の悪さで有名だ Tokyo is notorious for its terrible housing situation.
*彼がかつて百万長者だったということは有名だ It is well known that he used to be a millionaire.≒Everybody knows that he used to be a millionaire.
*彼はオリンピックで金メダルを取りいちやく有名になった He 「suddenly became famous [leaped into fame] after he won a gold medal at the Olympics.
*去年は有名校ばかり受験した I applied only to famous [prestigious] schools last year.
*このあたりには有名人がたくさん住んでいる A lot of 「famous people [celebrities,《口語的》big names] live around here.
*そのコンサートには有名無名を問わず様々なロックバンドが集結した Both famous rock bands and unknown ones gathered at that concert.
[複合語]有名税 the price of fame [being a celebrity]
東京書籍 「アドバンスドフェイバリット和英辞典」 JLogosID : 7719537 |