



*こんな気持ちは初めてだ I've never had this feeling before.
*彼女は人の気持ちがよく分かる人だ She is sensitive to other people's feelings.≒She is sensitive to how other people feel.
*このソファーはふかふかで気持ちがいい This sofa is soft and comfortable. / 大きな声で歌を歌うのは気持ちがいい It feels good to sing songs in a loud voice. / 船に乗ったら気持ちが悪くなった I felt sick when I was on the ship. / どんなに説得しても彼の気持ちは変わらなかった No matter how hard I tried to persuade him, he wouldn't change his mind. / 気持ちはよく分かるけど,彼女にあたるのはよくないな I know exactly how you feel, but you shouldn't be so hard on her.
*君の言葉が彼女の気持ちを傷つけたんだよ What you said hurt her feelings.
*その音楽は私の気持ちを明るくしてくれた The music 「brightened up my mood [cheered me up].
*どうやって彼女に自分の本当の気持ちを伝えたらいいのか分からない I don't know how to convey my true feelings to her.
*気持ちをこめて手紙を書いた I put all my heart into writing a letter.
*彼の気持ちに気づかないふりをした I pretended not to notice his feelings.
*彼女の気持ちにもなってみなさい You should know how she feels. / その部屋からすぐさま逃げ出したい気持ちになった I felt like getting out of the room as soon as possible. / 今は彼にそれを話す気持ちになれない I can't bring myself to say it to him now. / 彼の話を聞いて悲しい気持ちになった Listening to his story made me sad.
*私たちは複雑な気持ちだった We had mixed feelings.
*私の心は感謝の気持ちでいっぱいになった My heart filled with gratitude. / 大学生になるってどんな気持ちですか How do you feel about becoming a university student? / 本当の気持ちを教えて Tell me how you really feel.
*彼は気持ちの優しい人です He is a kind person. / 気持ちのいい風が吹いている A pleasant breeze is blowing.
*猫が気持ちよさそうに日なたぼっこをしている A cat is sitting contentedly in the sunshine. / 彼女は気持ちよくノートを貸してくれた She lent me her notebook willingly. / ああ,気持ちいい.やっぱり温泉はいいね This feels good [great] . Hot springs are fantastic. / このぬるぬるしたもの何?気持ち悪いな What is this slimy thing? It's disgusting.[《口語的》It gives me the creeps.] / ほんの気持ちですが,どうぞお受け取りください Would you please accept this as a token of my gratitude?
*「手伝ってくれてありがとう.何かお礼をしなくては」「どうぞおかまいなく.お気持ちだけで結構ですから」 “Thank you for helping me. I feel obliged to give you something to show my thanks.” “Oh, no, please don't bother. Your gratitude is payment enough.”
*「花びんはこのあたりでいいかな」「ううん,気持ち(→ほんの少し)右へ寄せて」 “The vase should be here, right?” “Well, move it just a little bit to the right.”

JLogosID : 7680577