


(勢いが強い)violent;(厳しい)severe, hard;(はなはだしい)intense, heavy━━激しくviolently; severely, hard; intensely, heavily*激しい風 a violent [strong] wind / 激しい運動を控える refrain from heavy [vigorous] exercise*きのうその地方は激しい地震に見舞われた The district was hit by a violent [severe, strong] earthquake yesterday.*突然背中に激しい痛みを覚えた Suddenly I felt a severe pain in my back.*私の提案は激しい反対にあった My proposal met with intense [heavy, keen] opposition.*昨夜激しい雨が降った It rained heavily [hard] last night.≒There was a heavy [hard] rain last night.*知事は激しく非難された The governor was heavily criticized.◆*彼女は気性が激しい She has an explosive [a fiery] temper.(◆fieryは「火のように激しい」の意味) / この業界では競争が激しい There is keen [fierce] competition in this business. / その島では何か月も激しい戦いが続いた Fierce battles continued for several months on that island. / その道路は交通が激しい That road is very busy with traffic.The traffic is very heavy [busy] on that road. / 私は彼と激しく優勝を争った I competed fiercely with him for the championship. / 我々はそのことについて激しく議論した We had a heated [bitter] argument about the matter. / 彼は激しく抗議したが審判の判定は覆らなかった Although he protested strongly, the umpire's decision wasn't reversed. / 彼女はその知らせを聞くと激しく泣き出した She began to cry bitterly when she heard the news. / リーグの首位争いはどんどん激しくなってきた The competition for the top of the league has become more and more heated.


JLogosID : 7707287