


[日本事物]厄年とは,災難が降りかかりやすいので注意を要するとされる年齢をいいます.一般的に,男性は数えで25,42,60歳,女性は同じく19,33歳が厄年とされています.また,厄年の前の年齢を前厄,後の年齢を後厄といい,厄年に次いで注意を要するとされています.Yakudoshi are ages when it is said that unlucky events are likely to happen to you and so you should be careful. It is generally said that yakudoshi are the 25th, 42nd and 60th calendar years for men and the 19th and 33rd years for women, with the calendar year of the person's birth counted as the 1st year. The year before one's yakudoshi is called maeyaku and the year after it is called atoyaku. It is also said that you should be careful during these years as well, although they require less caution than your yakudoshi does.


JLogosID : 7718809